Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Image Stitching Based On Sift And Mvsc - 1675 Words

Image Stitching Based On SIFT and MVSC Shubham Gaikwad(Student) ,Prof. Sneha Deo(Guide) Department of Information Technology, NBN Sinhgad School of Engineering shubham9600@gmail.com Department of Information Technology, NBN Sinhgad School of Engineering sneha.deo@sinhgad.edu Abstract— Based on scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) andmean seamless cloning (MVSC), an image to stitching algorithm ispresent, to improve the quality of the panoramic stitchingimage. Using SIFT algorithm to extract between the benchmarkimages (await matched image) and follow-up of the feature points, identifying locations and directions, using 128 dimensional vectors to describe the features point. SIFT algorithm to provide benchmark images and follow-up images to determine the source of cloning domain and target the cloning domain of the MVSC. Using the mean value coordinates to achieve the pixel to interpolate from the source of cloning domain to the target cloning domain. Finally, using MVSC algorithm to achieve the two images of st itching. Experiment results shows this method with regard to image rotation, perspective changes and image scaling to have a good stitching results, stitching image is complete information, to the quality of the image is high. Keywords- Scale- Invariant Feature transform (SIFT), image Matching, mean value seamless cloning (MVSC), image stitching. I.INTRODUCTION Image stitching technology is two or more two to have the same scene and there is overlapping

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