Monday, February 24, 2020

Catch 22 - Orr Character Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Catch 22 - Orr Character Report - Essay Example This essay will explore Orr’s significance to the wider themes and motifs of the novel. As the hostilities in the Second World War were at a peak, the soldiers start to feel psychologically and physically weary and contemplate the situation they find themselves in. The term Catch-22 refers to this sense of entrapment felt by many members of the United States military at the time, who are sane enough to see the absurdity of putting their lives at risk, while insane enough to continue participating in it. The Catch-22 situation arises when a soldier, in a moment of sanity and lucidity, sees the futility of war; but realizes that the only way he can escape from its viciousness is by claiming insanity. In other words, it is a circular argument wherein the premise is taken as proof of argument. The military officers use this paradoxical rule to keep control over their squadron members, lest they will begin to assert their will. The character of Orr should be studied in light of this most prominent theme in the novel. In the initial stages of the novel Orr comes across as an incompetent pilot, whose plane inevitably gets shot, forcing him to crash land on each occasion. But, as the war wears on and the Catch-22 puzzle overwhelms the members of the squadron, it is Orr who succeeds in escaping to Sweden, a neutral country where peace prevailed. In this respect, the sub-plot involving Orr is comprised of more heroism and courage than that of Yossarian. Author Joseph Heller, by way of depicting the personal qualities of Orr, gives away hints related to his impending escape. For example, there are references in the novel to Orr’s aptitude for mechanics and his skilful dexterity, as when he tailors the tent in such a way as to make it comfortable. When analyzing the novel in retrospect, we see how this talent comes handy in his escape expedition to Sweden. The incident involving the prostitute in Rome is another

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